The first step of healing is to STOP doing what’s making you sick. These are your blocks to healing.
Often people want to skip this step and skip ahead to the next step which is to start adding things to make you well. This is like trying to pour water into a cup with a lid on it. You have to remove the blockage first (the toxic substance or pathogen). Then the body can receive nourishment and energy. If you continue to poison yourself or expose yourself to toxicity, without removing the blocks to healing, you may get marginal results and symptom relief, but you won’t get to the root of healing. You cannot build and tear down simultaneously AND expect efficiency. The body will not let go of toxins it’s still being exposed to. This behavior will spin your wheels and waste time/energy/resources which is demoralizing and reinforces the painful belief that healing is impossible or ‘natural healing doesn’t work’. Habits of binging and purging don’t help either. Again it just reinforces erroneous beliefs about healing. Following the principles of Real Healing will lead to long term results. Oftentimes with clients I find in order to Stop doing the harmful thing we have to change their beliefs so they know it’s possible and we weed out the erroneous or limiting beliefs preventing healing. When the body clears enough energetic baggage it starts to reset its homeostatic set point so it doesn’t crave the toxic thing anymore. Another big part of this first step is understanding how the toxic thing is poisoning oneself so one has the motivation and desire to want to cease doing it. It’s often not until one understands the consequences of their behavior or a toxic substance, that they feel inclined to change it. Often, people need to hit rock bottom in order to be motivated to change. When someone’s had enough pain they become determined to turn it around. Because they have to. They become open to healing possibilities they weren’t open to before. They become open to putting down the poison or stopping the harmful behavior. Healing is often more about subtracting than adding. Your body is already a miraculous healing force of nature. It KNOWS how to heal if you stop poisoning it. It will lead you to the right information, people and resources if you BELIEVE it’s possible. My first assessment with clients is to ascertain their blocks to healing. Then we remove them- one by one, layer by layer. This allows me to reset the body's organ systems and restore functionality. Then we give the body what it needs to support physical recovery. This is the formula for lasting results.
People get deeply invested in certain narratives. Their fixation becomes the lens through which they see everything and then this determines their experience. People desperately want to narrow their pain down to one factor because then, they think, they only need to look for one solution to solve everything. The contagion narrative neatly fits this bill.
But how do you know your suffering isn’t a combination of factors? Pathogens and parasites don’t just appear for no reason. They appear when conditions are right- when there’s food on the table, when opportunity arises. This is how nature works. Certain things thrive in certain environments. Environments and their inhabitants arise together. Certain pathogens arose with the advent of the modern electrical era (1889). None of us has been alive long enough to track and remember this though. And history has a way of being rewritten by those who profit most. It’s not enough to single out one factor from the environment and say that’s the only cause. What is correlated with the arising of Influenza, Polio, Measles, Coronaviruses, Cancer, Heart Disease, Obesity etc? Are we also looking at Radiation? Pesticides? Processed food plus pharmaceuticals & vaccines over the years? All these factors combine to interact and have drastically altered the environment and bodies of everyone. Of ALL life on Earth. There is no control group anymore so how can we correctly attribute anything to one thing? People are so quick to attribute problems to one factor when, in my experience, imbalances are always a combination of factors. My work involves parsing out all the contributing factors to illness to restore balance. When people’s symptoms resolve it’s always because we addressed blockages at multiple levels, from different times in their life, from various sources. Often there’s detoxification involved because chemicals get stored in the tissues and need to be released for the body to function right. When things build up long enough the body simply runs out of energy maintaining the imbalanced state and symptoms arise. It's interesting how desperately the mind wants it to be just one issue so there can be one magic bullet solution. Profiteers love that. The entire medical industry is systematized and built on this premise. And it’s just not how real healing works. There is no one size fits all solution to healing. If there was everyone would get the same outcomes all the time. That just isn’t true. Far from it. Every body is unique, has a unique story, history, and destination. You have to be able to take all this into account in order to truly help someone. And the expectation that it’s different causes a lot of demoralization and disillusionment with what real healing entails. It’s time we get real and stop being led astray by those who profit from illness and don’t have our true best interests at heart. It’s time to tell the truth. This is the way to real healing. If there is one magic bullet factor to healing it is to continue removing blockages until the natural healthy functioning of the body is restored. Listen and talk to the body in such a way that it leads you to the next thing and then the next thing and then design and a live a lifestyle that builds gentle detoxification at every level (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) while affirming healthy functioning, into your daily routine. This is the magic you’re looking for.
I had a chance to sit down with Life Coach Nizam for a fun interview on his youtube channel.
He asked really great questions that helped me explain and clarify what trapped emotions are and a general overview of how I clear them. I also talk about Elemental Medicine and the importance of addressing the body on multiple levels. Nizam got me to talk about the near death experience I had when I was 18 and how profound it was in leading to the work I do today... I hope you enjoy this video and share it with friends and family who want to learn more about trapped emotions, The Emotion Code, and Elemental Medicine! The paradigm of Cures is totally different than the paradigm of Profit. So different in fact that these paradigms are mutually exclusive. You can’t cultivate health and poison your efforts at the same time. You either believe real healing is possible or not. You cannot believe both- that’s not how belief works. It’s one or the other. Here's why:
A curist believes in the body's extraordinary capacity to heal and follows the principles of Real Healing to get transformational results. A profiteer believes in Profit and follows the principles of business to reap financial results. A curist is invested in your health. A profiteer is invested in you being sick. Behavior always reveals one’s values. A person never acts against their own investments. It is law. You can’t buck that current. If you want to know what someone is invested in look at what they value, prioritize and take action on. Behavior always reveals the real story, not words. A curist believes in transparency and gets curious by asking questions. Questions lead to root causes and the heart of the matter: Truth. A profiteer avoids and discourages questions. They avoid the truth because that threatens their profit and investments. They know that questions cause people to follow the money and the money trail reveals uncomfortable truths. A curist invests in wholistic medicine. They know that the principles of Real Healing are constant across all situations and if they stick to the principles they can summon the exact solution needed. A profiteer invests in allopathic treatments. Profiteers ignore principles for the latest trend or passing marketing fad. Their goals are constantly shifting because this keeps their customers chasing an elusive hope that may or may not materialize. If it does there's often debilitating side effects that keep one on an endless hampster wheel. A curist loves and reveres Science. The scientific method is a wonderful way to explore the miracles of Nature and our place in it. The scientific agenda is Truth, so questions are encouraged. All data is examined and brought to the table because data tells the real story. Questions and testing give better results and lead to root causes. A profiteer loves Scientism, which is basically superstition with charts and graphs and numbers. Scientism uses fake, corporate sponsored 'science' to prop up an agenda with fierce religiosity. It’s characterized by supremacy, elitism, silos of information, conformity, and corporate investment. Questions threaten scientism so the answer is censorship and data is selectively cherry picked to reinforce a profitable narrative. Might makes right when it comes to superstition. A curist cares about results. They don’t pretend something’s working if it’s not. They look for balance at every level of one’s being which reflects if their protocols are working or not. A profiteer believes in an image of health, a veneer of passable health, the management of symptoms. As long as you’re not displaying overt symptoms you can forget about your body and health. In this paradigm, fixing one thing while breaking another still qualifies as “healing.” Nevermind that you’re still sick and your immune system was destroyed with drugs and chemicals. Profiteers believe that 1 step forward and 2 steps back is progress. They fail to see that remission is temporary. Curists know that Real Healing is long lasting if you keep moving forward. They live by the principle "First, do no harm." A curist treats the body as a WHOLE BEING- you can’t reduce wholeness to parts, you can’t treat a human like a car or a robot and expect magic. Magic is a miraculous quality of being a Whole Human Being connected to the Great Mystery as Source-Creator. There is only 1 Source, there is only 1 Truth. A profiteer treats the body like a machine and wonders why it won’t perform miracles. Their moral relativism only serves to evade the truth. Machines can’t do what humans can do when it comes to CREATIVITY, SOURCE- HEALING, TRUTH, LOVE, and POWER. Machines are a poor imitation and using them as a model for health and healing is just an effort to systematize and control something that doesn’t actually work that way. There are analogies and metaphors to be made between human and machines, sure, but they only go so far. To see the whole picture you have to be a whole human being with a real human heart. A curist helps you understand and believe in your innate healing powers. A profiteer wants you to betray your inner wisdom and make them the Authority on your body and your health so you give your power away. A curist understands that what we are living is the result of what we believe. They adopt beliefs that result in personal empowerment and creative self hood. This allows them to expand their experience of what's possible and invites the grace of God to work miracles through their life. Profiteers ignore the role of belief and denigrate it with the dismissive label "placebo." They live a victim mentality and their results reflect that. They attempt to mix these two paradigms but their behavior tells the real story. They don't really believe in the power of the body to heal. They don't really understand how the Grace of God works. They fear these solutions are lacking so they pop a pill and dismiss the real healing as weak and ineffective. This behavior affirms their fears and weakness and reinforces the experience of being a victim to outside forces. Even if they appear to solve a problem they will meet it again in another form because they've allowed their delusions about healing to persist. Then they'll turn around and say "See! Natural healing doesn't work!" and blame the real healer. Profiteers love this game. A curist empowers your Inner Healer. A profiteer mocks your Inner Healer and wants you to believe there’s no such thing. A curist gets to the root so you’re healed once and for all. A profiteer wants to hide the source of imbalance so they can continue to profit. During their indoctrination process they’re taught that diet has nothing to do with health- can you imagine taking health advice from someone who doesn’t understand the role of Diet in health?! A lot of people take health advice from unhealthy people then wonder why they’re sick and don’t get better. A curist works from the inside out, inner reality is the primary reality. A profiteer works from the outside in. The outer world is primary reality- at the expense of inner reality. Pills and needles are the way to health for them even though they don’t create health. They create dependency. A curist wants you to have relief and independence NOW so you can stop suffering. A profiteer wants your dependence so they can prolong your suffering and intensify your fear so you’ll spend more money. A curist encourages proactive participation in your health. They will cheer and encourage your inner being to take charge and claim your Life so you can summon the perfect powerful healing for YOU. A profiteer encourages you to forget about your health and be lazy so you can outsource it to them at exorbitant expense. In this land of magical thinking you are a passive bystander to your body- nevermind the anxiety this stance produces (anxiety is good for profit!). Ignore your gut feelings and just pop a pill, get jabbed and forget about it. A curist asks for feedback from your senses. They want to explore your inner reality so they can better serve your unique situation. A profiteer has devised a one-size-fits-all standardized system to maximize profit and efficiency. They depend on gaslighting to ensure you don’t use your own senses or validate your inner gut feelings. If, gasp, you defy their authority and manage to think for yourself you will be told that you’re crazy and you don’t know what you’re talking about (or some variation thereof.) If they can get you to override your own senses so much the better for them. A curist gently reminds you of your power and encourages your Free Will, Autonomy, and Sovereignty. A profiteer uses guilt to shame you into conformity and compliance. Conformity is a profiteers holy grail. A curist encourages you to do whatever it takes to empower your health across all dimensions and get the support you need. The more wholistic solutions you find to serve your healing the better! A profiteer censors information and limits your choices so you feel dependent on one way of thinking- the expensive way. Even exploring other solutions is shameful. They will denigrate other solutions so you feel dumb for even asking. A curist is concerned with the eco-system of wellbeing that produces health. They understand health is an ecology of relationships that add up to more than the sum of the parts. Way more. A profiteer is obsessed with a magic bullet solution. The failure to see how everything is connected cannot produce wholeness. A curist is patient. Healing from the ground up in a way that honors the total organism across all dimensions is a process. This way of healing may seem slower but it’s actually the direct route to healing at the root once and for all, while doing no harm. A curist uses herbs, energy, whole foods, and tools that retain the intelligence of WHOLENESS. Their action is to produce Balance in the body so it can function optimally and work its magic. A profiteer is impatient to force a result. They use drugs that perform a specific action in the body regardless of the harm it’s doing to the total organism. They don’t believe the body understands balance so they are constantly wrestling with imbalance. A curist sees your body as a MIRACLE. A mystery that will reveal incredible solutions if you listen and speak it’s language. They learn the language of the body so they can speak to it directly and ask it what it wants. A profiteer sees you body as a PROBLEM. A pesky thing that won’t cooperate and doesn’t need to be listened to. They think they already know the answer so why would they listen to what your body is saying? Language? What language? Profiteers make up their own language that is difficult to understand and requires a lot of indoctrination. Selective hearing better serves their agenda. A curist is open-minded and consistent. A profiteer is defensive and constantly moving the goal post. Their rationalizations are constantly shifting. It’s a vulnerable stance to go against nature! To sum it all up, a curist believes in Cures. A profiteer believes in Profit. These paradigms are mutually exclusive. You can mix and match for awhile but eventually you will come up against the wall built into every dominator culture and way of being: the Dominator mindset, which is fixated on consumption, and eventually destroys whatever it touches- it has to in order to survive since it’s cut off from Truth. Eventually you will be faced with a choice: evolve into a Curist and learn about real healing, beliefs, and solutions or succumb to the dominator-death-profit model that wants to destroy all its competition- especially the truth. Nothing is more threatening than the truth to a profiteer. I’d like to invite you to step into a new paradigm for healing- one that gets very different RESULTS than allopathic medicine. If allopathic medicine actually healed, it would have done it by now. If throwing more money at the problem was the solution the result would be less sickness and more health when the reality is that the opposite is true. Because investing in sickness is what a profiteer is really about. Real Health and Wellbeing is a different paradigm entirely. What do you believe? Which one are you? Your Heart is the powerhouse core central generator of your health and seat of our soul. When we are full of spirit and heart we are confident, enthused, and infused with energy. Our heart is our ‘other brain’ according to the HeartMath Institute and is many times in magnitude more powerful than the brain. The real sweet spot though is getting the heart and brain to engage coherently, in a dialogue of understanding, so we consciously choose to focus on what our heart really wants. Because our heart is so important, when we go through experiences of heartbreak and sadness our psyche reacts with a protective defense mechanism to shield our heart from the pain. You know when people talk about heartbreak and describe going numb afterwards? That’s the heartwall. It’s a wall or fortress like structure around the heart, made with the invisible psychic material of trapped emotions. This energy can be felt and detected but people are often at a loss of what to do to recover their original trust and innocence with life after heartbreak. Often, after these painful experiences have passed, the wall remains, keeping the heart exiled and safe, but slowly suffocating, locked away. The constricted flow of energy disallows the good stuff of life- love, abundance, wellbeing- from getting in. The incoherence between heart and mind keeps us confused about what we really want, where to look and how to find it. All matters of Intimacy (with self and others) are improved by removing the heartwall. People say that there’s no cure for a broken heart but I’m here to tell you there is- and it doesn’t take time- it only takes removing the emotions that got trapped in the body. I removed a friend’s heartwall and 2 weeks later she met the love of her life. I’ve watched people completely shift their life around because they finally got clarity about what they really want. Clients remark that they have more compassion, self-awareness, and an easier time validating their own emotions. They have an easier time focusing on their priorities and stop ruminating and obsessing on others. It really grows your self validation muscle when you can hear your heart speaking to you loud and clear! How to tell if you have a heartwall:
Removing the heartwall is so important to self knowledge and self intimacy that I consider it a cornerstone of my healing protocol. Almost everyone I come across has one and can benefit greatly from removing it. I think it's because we're all born into a sick society that doesn't honor the reality of our inner life and doesn't teach us how to process emotions. If your heart’s had unnecessary roughness and you want to recover your original wholeness and feelings of Love, Lightness, & Oneness with Source then contact me and let’s get that heartwall removed! A great place to start with my services is the Heartwall Special- we spend 4 sessions removing your heartwall and a host of other troublesome blocks to recover your original brilliance! You will love how quickly we can transform your Life and inner experience! Trapped emotions are like black holes.Like blackholes, which are invisible to the naked eye and defy detection without technology, we can’t see trapped emotions but we can feel their effects and find them by evidence of their gravitational pull. We see evidence of them whenever we suffer or have painful experiences. We can tell we have them because they wreak havoc on our mental-emotional state. Creating limiting beliefs that we then play out. Trapped emotions hijack our subconscious scripts, looping on autopilot. Whenever a similar experience comes around that reminds our subconscious mind of the original trauma the trapped emotion takes over and replays that program. The body will continue with this pattern until the trapped emotion is processed and cleared. For example, if you have a trapped emotion of ‘CONFUSION’, whenever it gets activated you will feel confused and attract confusing people, things, and situations that resonate with that energy. It’s really hard to get out of that fog if every time you try to, this emotion gets triggered! You can even be aware that this is happening and feel powerless to change it. Such is the magnetic draw of black hole energy. It’s like a tractor beam that sucks the corresponding experiences right in. Trapped emotions form when we have intense emotions and we’re not in a place or state to feel and process it completely, so it gets trapped in the nervous system. Complete with all the limiting beliefs that go with that script. Emotions are just vibrational energy so it’s possible for them to get lodged in the meridian system (the energetic-pathways coursing through your body). It’s like a knot in your energy body. Whenever energy flows in this direction it gets snagged on the knot and pulled into the drama of whatever belief and story constitutes that particular trapped emotion- despite your best efforts! These emotional pot holes can derail you and send you spinning off into a story you don’t even want! When you’re triggered you’re being alerted to the existence of an energy in your body that’s causing you to feel what you’re feeling. Discomfort, pain, and suffering are actually very valuable signals and an opportunity to clear those patterns. When it’s activated is the best time to address it! This is how to shore up your gaps so your energy doesn’t leak out. When we patch up the holes you stop giving your power away to self-sabotaging patterns that don’t serve you. Contrary to popular belief we aren’t meant to remain in suffering or live in debilitating pain. We are meant to flow with our experiences in the eternal unfolding of our heart’s creative expression. But no one taught us how to process our emotions in an optimal way. In fact, all blame and fault finding is the trapped emotion deflecting attention away from itself in order to perpetuate it’s existence and prop up it’s false reality. When we release the trapped emotion the ruminating engine goes away and we cease getting distracted with drama. Freeing ourselves from trapped emotions allows us to be more productive and energetic with our time and attention so we focus on what matters and Flourish. Essentially what I do when I clear trapped emotions is use a magnet on the governing meridian to wipe the script clean of old programs via our subconscious mind connection. This de-magnetizes them. Similar in principle to how a magnet wipes a credit card clean or will mess up your computer screen. Once the trapped emotion is processed it’s done. The entire program gets cleared and your true self is restored. The trapped emotion gets processed through the electromagnetic body and is gone forever. It cannot come back as it’s in the past. Your inner being is liberated to create a new story based on your original blueprint- who you were before the trauma basically- and who you decide you want to be now. It’s not possible to get an old trapped emotion back but it is possible to get the same trapped emotion trapped again. When I find someone with a lot of the same trapped emotion that tells me they’re probably not processing that emotion in life and we bring attention to ways of digesting that particular emotion so it doesn’t continue getting trapped again. Trapped emotions can also be inherited and pick up more momentum the longer it gets passed down. These inter-generational family traumas are why some children are born with a lot of baggage- through no fault of their own. Removing these trapped emotions- before they erupt in debilitating trauma- is especially satisfying to me. Freeing children to live their life free of trauma is the best thing ever and I relish the opportunity to work with kids!
If you suspect you have trapped emotions, contact me to discuss removing them. Once you get relief you'll wonder why you carried that baggage around for so long! Elemental Medicine is the natural system of healing I use, which integrates multiple modalities into a simple protocol I can perform on anyone. My system of healing uses the raw materials of consciousness to transform consciousness. By communicating with the body on the right level I can summon the perfect healing needed for any given situation. My philosophical approach is based entirely on wholeness and a results oriented Curist philosophy. What is a Curist? One who believes in cures and the miraculous power of the human body and human consciousness to restore us back to wholeness. What’s right with us will heal what’s ‘wrong’ with us because we already have the blueprint for perfect health encoded in our DNA. The healing we seek already exists. All the information, resources, abundance, vitality, and means to thrive are conspiring to find us. Source is already sourcing us with life force energy and all the good stuff of creation- but if we're blocking it out we won’t even know it. To remove these blocks, I use what I like to term ‘Spiritual Technology’. These methods represent the cutting edge of human consciousness refined over our evolutionary history and encoded in our body. I have spent decades developing these skills and capacities and I teach others how to do the same. However, you don’t have to understand how this all works in order to benefit. People often ask me how I do what I do so here is a synopsis.
All of these methods are better understood through a quantum model of reality which acknowledges the role of the observer in any outcome, that consciousness exists as potentialities that can be in 2 places at once, and the reality of nonlocality, which reveals that we do not need to be in the same place, at the same time, to effect one another. Remote healing works because of the interconnected nature of underlying Oneness. There is a lot that can be written about each of these subjects that is beyond the scope of this article but I will be making future posts that go more into subjects you’re interested in- let me know what you want to know more about! When I remove the blocks to healing, well-being and abundance flood through your body. Wholeness naturally begets balance. The cause of all disease is really about being cut off from wholeness. As long as you do no harm, wholeness will always lead you to healing. A Systems approach that considers all levels of your being both physical AND non-physical is needed to integrate the different aspects of your being (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, etheric). The primary non-physical dimension I address is your electro-magnetic, etheric energy body, described as the Meridian System in Chinese traditional medicine. It’s directed by the subconscious mind which is a million times more powerful in processing power than your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind is the programming that directs the entire trajectory of your life. It’s at this level of your being- the causal level, that emotional energy gets trapped and stored as limiting beliefs. These beliefs get triggered when an associated situation arises. These blockages are also known as Trapped Emotions or trauma. Trauma is the accumulated residue of past undigested emotional/psychic energy. When we’re not resourced enough to feel the intensity of our emotions- especially the big, painful or challenging ones- they can get stuck in our body and live on through repeated patterns of the same story. Whatever emotion gets stuck in us magnetically attracts more of the same. As an Elemental Medic, I help process this stuck energy. I setup the energetic basis for your new story and life flows accordingly to create a belief structure attuned to who you really are and your true heart’s desire. Because each person’s situation is unique there is no one size fits all solution for everyone. I assess your unique situation and design a personalized treatment plan. Some issues are simple and resolve in 1 session! If you’d like to know how Elemental Medicine can work for you please schedule a discovery call to discuss your situation! Now is the time to Self Actualize. Winter calls us to our solid core. I hope you are enjoying embodying your clear soul essence. This is a great time to clarify your current values which define the structure of your life. If there is a sincere desire to actualize, all the blocks will surface and be revealed!
Use what is challenging and hard to show you where you can summon more care and attention. In this way our triggers are a gift that give us the opportunity to purge old programs and reprogram new ones. If you're ready to attune to your Self as Source, schedule a free discovery call and I'll assess what blocks you may have and how many sessions it'll take to restore you to balance. A lot of people are surprised by the relief they get in just one session! If you're on a path of self actualization, you're going to love the ongoing support I offer to keep your growth attuned to your Heart's coherence. Commit to wholeness, heal your lineage, and be in awe of the miracle of life! Oh no! It was 4 days before Christmas and I got a call from my brother-in-law: “The whole family’s sick!”
That’s right, my sister Suki, her husband Matt and their two kids Kassie (4) and Parker (9 months) were all coughing, sniffling and bedridden at a very inopportune time. Gatherings were planned, double time work shifts scheduled and the kids were excited for Santa… the pressure to be well during the holidays can make us sick! Luckily I had just developed my Immune Boosting protocol and was excited to test it. Before the clearing each of their immune systems was functioning at the following levels: Suki: 31% Matt: 66% Kassie: 57% Parker: 49% I cleared for the whole family, removing everything that was blocking and suppressing their immune systems. The next day Matt called, “Everyone’s feeling better! I was able to sleep last night finally without constantly waking myself by coughing.” As I expected Matt, who had the highest initial immune functioning recovered the quickest. Suki’s recovery took a little longer as her immune system was the most compromised. But everyone’s functioning at 100% now and feeling great- just in time for Christmas! Holiday saved! Rejoice. Trapped emotions take a heavy toll on your body’s ability to defend and protect itself. Removing them makes a dramatic difference in immunity and frees up valuable resources for your body to do what it’s meant to do: Thrive. It's remarkable how quickly the body bounces back when we remove what's weighing it down. If you give it the support it needs at the first signs of vulnerability, you can avoid the symptoms of imbalance altogether. If you or someone you love can’t afford to be sick this holiday and needs to recover in a pinch- contact me ASAP! Be even more proactive and protect the whole family with a Family Session before it's a problem. My online booking portal makes it a snap to book within minutes so you have powerful healing right at your fingertips. There’s really no need to suffer through the sniffles anymore. Don't let getting sick ruin your celebrations! |
Carolyn Cat CraftEmotion Code Practitioner Archives
November 2022